Change Oracle APPS Password : FNDCPASS |
Tuesday, January 23, 2007 |
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With Product Family ATG version H Roll Up 3 , Oracle Introduced New Option in FNDCPASS which is ALLORACLE to Change password of all Schema provided by Oracle Application products. These are basically below three category password --These are mainly schema password for products like AP, GL, AR (These are also termed as of mode ORACLE ) --Password for APPLSYS and APPS (Same password for both schema) . This is also called as Apps Password (used during CM startup) --Password for account APPLSYSPUB
How to change Oracle Applications Products/Schema Password including APPS ? As most of you might already be aware that you use FNDCPASS utility on Concurrent Manager Node. FNDCPASS logon 0 Y system/password mode username new_password Where MODE is SYSTEM/USER/ORACLE/ALLORACLE (Introduced with patch 4745998)
Will ALLORACLE mode change other schema passwords like CTXSYS, MDSYS, PORTAL..,SYS, SYSTEM, SCOTT, Application User like AtulKumar .... ??
No ALLORACLE mode will change only schemas mentioned in paragraph 1 and will not change passwords for schemas like CTXSYS, MDSYS, SYS, SYSTEM.....
Is previous Mode SYSTEM/USER/ORACLE still available with FNDCPASS ? Yes
How to get ALLORACLE mode in FNDCPASS ? Apply Oracle Apps patch 4745998
What files to change after changing Apps Password ? You use FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager SYSTEM APPLSYS WELCOME to change Apps Password --Once you change apps password you need to change apps password stored in file at $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cfg
--In some instances you might have to change in CGIcmd.dat at $ORACLE_HOME/reports60/server
--You also have to change in any custom concurrent manager start up script (If you have any)
Added on 14th August 2007
--If you have configured E-Business Suite with 10g Application Server SSO/OID then after changing APPS password, update provisioning profile with new apps password
oidprovtool operation=modify \ ldap_host={OID Server hostname} ldap_port={OID Server Port} \ ldap_user_dn="cn=orcladmin" ldap_user_password={orcladmin Password} \ application_dn=" {The LDAP distinguished name of the application}" \ interface_connect_info={E-Business Suite connect info of the format, host:port:Sid:username:password}
after changing Apps password bounce Concurrent Managers.
Related Following Metalink Notes are useful & related to Oracle Applications or Apps Password --303621.1 How to Change and Which Apps Database Users Passwords Can Be Changed in a Multi-Node Apps Installation? --159244.1 How To Use FNDCPASS to Change The Oracle Users, APPS, APPLSYS and Application Module Passwords (INV, AR, AP, etc.) For Applications 11.5 in UnixLabels: 11i |
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posted by Atul Kumar @ 12:37 PM
good one atul...should APPS and APPLSYS have same password??
Yes, APPS and APPLSYS should have same password
Hi Atul,
How to secure apps password ?? apps password will be displayed with the following incidents: 1) echo $1 or echo $* in any script 2) workflow builder error issue 3) while trasfering alert, we have to give apps password (how to decript the password) Please let us know in any other ways, users/developers can able to know the apps password in secured instance
Thanks in advance, Shiva
Hi Atul,
How to secure production instance apps password ??
It will display with the following cases: 1) echo $1 or echo $* in the script (encrypt is not enabled) 2) workflow builder connection error will display apps password 3) while transferring alert, it will display password (is there any way to decript the password) 4) I think oracle has fixed in ad patch application log / report server Please let us know, how to secure our production instances with this issue.
Thanks sir, Shiva 6)
Shiva, Can you elaborate more on these apps password issues ?
1) echo $1 or echo $* in the script (encrypt is not enabled)
3) while transferring alert, it will display password (is there any way to decript the password)
Hi Atul,
What are all the precautions to be taken to secure apps password.
Thanks Shiva
Hi Atul,
how we can bounce the CM? and how many ways to do the same?
Use or Administer CM screen from frontend.
Hi Atul,
Why do we need to have same passwords for both apps and applsys.
And when we change the passwords for any one either apps or applsys do we manually need to make them in sync.
Thanks, Naveed.
Hi Atul I have a question for you
Is it required to modify all the files that you have prescribed. I think it is enough if we run Autoconfig.
Hitendra, Yes Autoconfig should change all files mentioned
Hi Atul,
Regarding this password change i have one problem ..i changed password of apps to xxapps based on Metalink Note 303621.1.But every thing i did properly but my concurent managers are not running in sysadmin all running at actual mode is 0....Can you suggest how to resolve this issue..
thanks Ramu.
Hi, I change Apps password using FNDCPASS, Now OAM is not working & giving error "- YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO VIEW THIS PAGE "(403 forbidden) can anybody provide solution??
Hai may be u din't change p/d in & cgicmd.dat bounce the apps tier
Hi, a question, if i change a password of a schema of APPS for example GL with FNDCPASS i must before change the password of APPLSYS or apply a FNDCPASS to APPLSYS before of change the password to password of Application such as GL?
Hi Atul,
Thankyou very much for the post.. I searched a lot sites regarding running the scripts after changin apps passwd.
You gave an excellent answer..
Thanks a lot !!!
do we need to shutdown middle tier services to change the password of a product in oracle apps using fndcpass? if so why?
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good one atul.