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Oracle Internet Directory OID |
Monday, December 04, 2006 |
OID which stands for Oracle Internet Directory is part of Identity Management in Infrastructure Tier of Fusion Middleware. If you are planning to configure 10g Application Server with Apps 11i or R12 , This node might be useful for you in understanding OID . Looking at importance of OID, I am going to discuss on few important things about OID today . OID is installed on infrastructure tier in 10g Application Server (If you want to learn basic components of Application Server you can visit my previous post at http://becomeappsdba.blogspot.com/2006/10/fusion-middleware-10g-application.html )
what's is OID ? Oracle Internet Directory (OID) is Oracle's Implementation of LDAP (Light weight Directory Access Protocol) which is ldap version 3 compliant. OID is special kind of database repository in which information is stored in Tree structure also called DIT (Directory Information Tree). Similar to OID , Microsoft has its own LDAP server called Active Directory (AD) and Sun's LDAP server is called as iPlanet .
Where is OID code in oracle_home ? OID code & its corresponding log files are stored in directories under $ORACLE_HOME/ldap directory in Infrastructure Tier . This is same tier where your SSO server sits. OID logs are stored at $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/log (This location is quite important for apps dba's for troubleshooting OID Issues). Few executables like oidctl, oidadmin, oidca, oidldapd are in ORACLE_HOME/bin .
What are default ports for OID ? You may see different ports for OID depending on OID server version but most common is 389 non ssl OID port & 636 for SSL OID port (These are also default ldap server ports). If you don't know which ports your OID is using refer portlist.ini in $ORACLE_HOME/install (Note that this file will not list updated port if you change OID ports after Installation) You should an entry like Oracle Internet Directory port = 389 Oracle Internet Directory (SSL) port = 636
How to start OID ? OID process is controlled by opmn (Oracle process monitor & notification server) so you by default use opmnctl command To Start OID opmnctl startproc ias-component=OID To Stop OID opmnctl stopproc ias-component=OID
OID can also be started without OPMN by First start oidmon (OID Monitor Process) Then use oidctl (OID control) To stop OID without OPMN First stop oid process using oidctl then stop oidmon (OID monitoring process)
When you start services using opmnctl , it inturn start oidmon & oidctl .
How to troubleshoot OID issues ?? Where to check for OID Logs ?? What is OID Replication Server ?? What is Integration & Provisioning Server in OID ?? Coming soon .....
Fusion Middleware overview http://becomeappsdba.blogspot.com/2006/10/fusion-middleware-10g-application.html
OID Cluster Overview http://becomeappsdba.blogspot.com/2006/11/oracle-as-cluster-identity-management.htmlLabels: 10gAS, oid |
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posted by Atul Kumar @ 11:56 PM
Hi Atul,
I want's to know what are the attributes will syn between Active directory and OID.
Thanks Muralidhar Muddada
Muddada, This is configurable & you can configure what all attributes you want to synch by using profiles
Check OID admin guide Atul
Hi Atul,
You might need to correct your stmt : OID which stands for Oracle Internet Directory is expected to be part of Oracle Apps Release 12 - OID is NOT a part of Apps, instead OID is a part of Oracle Database (or IAS - only executables). You can use OID for Identity Management in 11i or R12.
Regards Pavan PVJ
Thanks Pavan for correcting this . Yes OID is not part of Apps 11i or R12. Its part of Infrastructure Tier (IM) for Fusion Middleware.
whats the attribute i need to change if i need to unlock a locked user programmatically??
can we use oid database instance(meta data repository ) to another application and both should work simultaniously?
can we use metadata repository to another apllication ? but both oid and application should work simultaniously
can we use oid database instance(meta data repository ) to another application and both should work simultaniously?
i am installing oracle as 10g and during installation, it prompts me to give OID host ip and port. so, do i need to install oid first then oracle AS?
Hi Atul,
When i look up the log files for OID it states its dependencies is the infrastructures database. How do i confirm it is up and running?
hi Atul,
i am configuring the application server 10g r2..i have already got installed the oracle 10g data base on that server...during the installation process it has askd me for "Register with Oracle Internet directory"..host name and port name has to be enterd in it...what is solution for this..
all databases (8i,9i,10g,11g) have global roles and One OID 10g have all the users how to authenticate these users for all databases.
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Hi Atul,
I want's to know what are the attributes will syn between Active directory and OID.
Muralidhar Muddada